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Gotham City Imposters

Gotham City Imposters is a first person shooter/ multiplayer only game. The game is mainly about admirers of Batman and the cronies of Joker in an epic battle for the control of Gotham City. The players wear the same style clothing as Batman and Joker. Batman’s people wear capes while Joker’s people wear face paint. Ther are three main game types: Fumigation and Team Deathmatch. Ther is also available DLC for new maps, weapons, perks and characters.  The game was released to the Playstation and Xbox Live market places in February 8, 2012.

This game is a really cool game which offers gamers a wide variety of fun and action. This is the game to play when you don’t want to be all serious like with gaming. The ability to change your character’s looks and customize your gun. This game is definitley worth buying for $20 at the Market places online. I rate this game:

One Response to “Gotham City Imposters”

  1. I got the demo but i dont really like it

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